100639249-1 1516287768402000 128 - Eddie Yoon: Superconsumer - Success IQ

Episode 128

Published on:

14th Jan 2020

128 - Eddie Yoon: Superconsumer

Eddie Yoon is the founder of Eddie Would Grow, a think tank and advisory firm focusing on growth strategy. Prior to that, he was a partner at The Cambridge Group, a strategy consulting firm founded in 1975 that specializes in helping CEOs and senior leadership teams within Fortune 1000 corporations to drive growth by understanding how to unlock new sources of consumer demand.

In the last 5 years, Eddie has doubled the revenues of numerous businesses in industries like cable/media, food & beverage, pet food, consumer robotics, and standby generator -- from several hundred million to almost one billion dollars.

Eddie is the author of the acclaimed book Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth (2016). He is also the author of 40+ articles, including “Make Your Best Customers Even Better” (Harvard Business Review magazine, March 2014) and “Why It Pays to Be a Category Creator” (Harvard Business Review magazine, March 2013). Eddie has inspired thousands as a keynote speaker in the U.S. Africa Australia, Denmark, the UK, and Japan.

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About the Podcast

Success IQ
For Entrepreneurs wanting to create and live an exceptional life.
Internationally acclaimed performance and mindset expert Geoff Nicholson is passionate about supporting entrepreneurs, business owners and high achievers to transform their results. He started this podcast to interview other business and thought leaders to discover the strategies, techniques and the mindset they have adopted to create exceptional results in life and business.

Success leaves clues and by finding the ways others have built a healthy success as well as getting the support to level up your skills and attitudes is the true definition of developing a Success IQ

About your host

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Geoff Nicholson

Geoff is a father and husband first put close second is a passion to support people in becoming the best versions of themselves so they can create businesses and enjoy life to the max. He believes that everyone can enjoy an exceptional life, they just have to be willing to do the work.

He also is a fan of Sci-Fi and Action movies :)