100639249-1 1516287768402000 118 - Let's Talk Mental Health - Success IQ

Episode 118

Published on:

17th Jul 2019

118 - Let's Talk Mental Health

We all have to take a proactive look at managing our mental health and for high performers to homemakers, we should never underestimate the negative impact that poor mental health can have on us as individuals, our businesses and the important people around us.

In this episode, I answer a question from one of the show listeners Scott who asks 

I'm suffering from anxiety and need some help but I'm afraid what people may say and I'm worried about taking medication. I own my own business, which has a team and, of course, I'm really worried about what they may think if they know I'm suffering from anxiety. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated." 


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About the Podcast

Success IQ
For Entrepreneurs wanting to create and live an exceptional life.
Internationally acclaimed performance and mindset expert Geoff Nicholson is passionate about supporting entrepreneurs, business owners and high achievers to transform their results. He started this podcast to interview other business and thought leaders to discover the strategies, techniques and the mindset they have adopted to create exceptional results in life and business.

Success leaves clues and by finding the ways others have built a healthy success as well as getting the support to level up your skills and attitudes is the true definition of developing a Success IQ

About your host

Profile picture for Geoff Nicholson

Geoff Nicholson

Geoff is a father and husband first put close second is a passion to support people in becoming the best versions of themselves so they can create businesses and enjoy life to the max. He believes that everyone can enjoy an exceptional life, they just have to be willing to do the work.

He also is a fan of Sci-Fi and Action movies :)